Owner Operator truck drivers are an especially independent kind of American. They're usually small to medium, small business operators that have paid their dues driving for larger trucking companies. I don't think the small American independent owner operators really get a fair shake when the money trickles down. The biggest factor affecting driver pay right now is fuel and tires! Diesel price at the Chevron in Los Angeles is a whopping $7.89 per gallon according to GasBuddy https://www.gasbuddy.com/station/10869. We're going to show you How To Get Financed On Commercial Semi Tires With No Credit Or Bad Credit. But there are more reasons than this. All of the following reasons contribute to the growing shortage of truck drivers. Check out this article By Kevin Aries with Verizon Connect -
Working conditions
Driving large trucks over-the-road is challenging and difficult work. It keeps people on the road for hours or days at a time, leaving them unable to see their family members while they do demanding labor. And this issue worsens as the shortage does; with fewer drivers, the remaining workers have to make up for a lack of drivers by spending more and more time on the road.
Health difficulties
The lifestyle associated with truck driving isn’t the healthiest and it can take a heavy toll on the human body. Limited food options, lack of physical exercise, and sleep deprivation can all contribute to health care difficulties for drivers. It may deter potential drivers from entering the industry and cause or force current drivers to leave the profession altogether.
So to get to the point - How To Get Financed On Commercial Semi Tires With No Credit Or Bad Credit.
The best tire dealer to deal with is Tire Discount. They finance tires without credit and even bad credit. Most customers don't even have to put a down payment up front! They also stock the tires truck drivers need, like 295/75R22.5, 11R22.5, 285/75R24.5, and 11R24.5 drive tires, steer tires, and trailer tires. You can get approved for up to $5000.00 instantly and get tires shipped to your door in 2-4 days!
Here's a link to Tire Discount's commercial tires - https://www.tdtires.com/commercial-tires/no-credit-check-financing/no-money-down
Most owner/operators opt for the 90-day-same-as-cash option so they don't get stuck with any fees. But, you can go out up to a full year to pay them off. Tire Discount is good people to work with, they carry smart-way-verified tires that last and last! They're the kind of people that make you want to come back and buy from them again and again because you know your getting the best tires possible with easy no credit check financing!
When considering new drive tires you may want to look into replacing your lug tires with straight tread all-position tires. Not only do the all-position's get better gas milage but wear better and last longer. They're even easier to install snow tire chains on and quicker to do so. Check out this article - https://www.tdtires.com/all-position-drive-tires-vs-lug-drive-tires/no-credit-needed